Sunday, March 25, 2007

a little reunion

So I took a girl that I work with to the block last night and we watched a few girls strip. We were out for about 3 hours and I saw some people from the past. Some that look good and some that look "not so good" there was a fight between the girls late last night as we were leaving the club.

We first went to a club where I knew the bartender. She use to travel with me and watch my daughter while I was dancing in other states and now she is bartending in a club. She has 2 kids now. The last time I saw her she was 17 and now she is 25....time goes by way to fast. She is the one that introduced me to my husband almost 8 years ago. It's crazy to because I watch the girls on you-tube and a lot of those girls can really dance on a pole but there are not a lot of girls who can dance like that at a's all a hustle game but if they could dance it would make the hustle game a little easier!

The next club we went to was a 2 part club.....its set up weird and in the last 10 years it has been 4 different clubs. The club always seems to make money but never stays open for long. This time the upstairs is used mostly as a "black girl" club the girls can dance and they work their ass off to make the money that they do make but I think that it is sad and that they play up to the young black boys to much and work to hard for a dollar.....there are better clubs to make money and those "young hoppers" are not trying to ease up on that money. I just think that shaking your ass in front of a mans face for over 3 min is to much attention for one man to just get one or two dollars...maybe its just me! All the girls seems to be getting along OK in the upstairs part of the club but I was tired of watching them have to beg for tips so we left to go downstairs.

The bad part about going downstairs is that you have to leave the club and was not like that a few years ago but I guess they want to make people feel like they are going into a different club. At this club we were told to sit at the front of the club but someone else told me that a bartender that I know was at the back of the club so that we me and my girl started to walk. We found two seats and sat down and some "dancer" started to run her mouth. I guess some guy bought her a drink and she was upset that me and my friend (customers) took her seat when she was away (maybe buying drugs). Oh well, she really got upset when my girlfriend did a guest set on her time and stole the stage. I love it!

This was my was yours? I have to go practice on my stripper pole now....see you later!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

hi, my name is, my name is.....

ok, did you think that the stripper exercise people took me away to a galaxy far...far.....away? That's what I would have thought because I have been gone for so long....I have still been around kind of. I did go and I loved the idea of working out like that again but I hate someone telling me how to dance. Dance is about expression and how can you express yourself when someone is telling you how to move and when to move that way? I decided to but a pole for myself so I still have a few passes left and I quit the gym (that was the agreement between me and my husband) and we put a pole up in the extra bedroom. I love it and he is happy also. For anyone that had been reading this for awhile then you will know that I have been trying to get him to buy one for me for a few years and I finally got my way ;)

I will follow up with all of you into he next day or two to see what I have been missing...once again...I am such a bad blogger....oh, for those who care...James now owes me over 15,000 in child support and he is on work release from what I understand but I have not seen my money yet ;(