Saturday, June 24, 2006

the rabbit died

Yes, that's sister is pregnant with my baby's daddy's baby. I guess I am equal to a "Jerry Spinger" show now. I will let ya'll know when I will be on the show so you can watch me.

I guess the "girlfriend" law does not apply to sisters. I fell betrayed but it is what I would expect from her. She is trash and there is nothing that I can do to change that. I would have thought better of James then that. Never in a million years would I have thought that he would sleep with my sister and now she is pregnant. Yeah, like he really needs another bastard child running around the streets. He does not claim all his children and then the one he does daughter...he won't even take care of.

and these are the days of our lives........

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This is the time of year for a good joke like this. Some women have not right to wear a and see.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

just because

Not that things have been hard at work lately but I just thought this was cool!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

what type of car are you?

I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

monday meme a day late

Monday Meme 41 : 2006-04-02 : Spring Forward

1. List 3 things you like about spring:

I love the sunny days, I love to drive my new car with the sunroof open and the music blasting, and I love to walk outside for no other reason then just walking in this beautiful weather.

2. List 3 things you hate about spring:

I hate bugs, I hate that spring does not last long where I live because we seem to go straight from winter to summer, that's about all I hate!

3. Do you set your clocks forward in the spring? Do you think it is a good idea?

I set my clock forward in the spring because I have to or else I would be late for work.....I guess it is a good idea because I would hate to to not have a job...I love money!

4. Do you have allergies in the spring? Do you take any allergies medications?

Everythng makes me sneeze...I hae never been like that before so I am trying to get use to it.

5. What are you looking forward to the most this spring?

I am looking forward to it being extremely hot so I can sweat off a few pounds ;)

I was the 1,681st person to take this week's Monday Meme!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

school thang

I am still around I have been working for almost 2 weeks straight without a day off and trying to get in the swing of school. Things are going well. Anna is on a cruise and my stepson is here for the summer. I have the next 2 days off work and I have something around the house I want to get done. Hopefully the next two days will be productive.

I am sure I have something else to say but I have lots of e-mails to get caught up with. I hope all is well and I will catch up some more over the next 2 days....