Sunday, April 09, 2006

what's overtime????

I know I have not been around much. I decided that I will not work any overtime this week and I have today and tomorrow off work. I really need that time off.

I will be leaving my house in about a half hour to pick up my girlfriend from the airport. She is coming in town to see some friends and have her pictures taken. I worked with her when I was dancing and we just really got along well. She is one of those types of people that seem really stuck up but she is so down to earth that you would be amazed. Most people can not understand our friendship but she is only one of 2 people that I use to dance with that know me and Greg and are welcome in our home. Here is an old site that she was on, the pictures are a few years old check it out .

We go back almost 9 years. She has some gifts for me because I have not seen her since I got married so she has some shot glasses for me (I collect them and she travels alot) and some extra shopping gifts. I just love gifts!

I guess I should get ready to go pick her up from the airport. I write more later.


Blogger Thumper said...

It's funny, a lot of people seem stuck up...when they're just a little more shy than others. Get to know them and they're incredible.

Here via Michele's today!

6:55 PM  
Blogger carmilevy said...

Good friends are quite literally worth their weight in gold. I can't wait to hear the stories from her visit.


7:12 PM  

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