Sunday, December 18, 2005

why now

Things are so peaceful. Life is going well....a little busy but it is still going well for us. Last night I get a call from my stepmom. She said that she was going to mail a box of gifts out for Anna for Christmas. FYI...they live 10 miles from me.

Anyhoo...why do they want to come around now. Lets be real shall we....I know that they do not want to be around me or Anna. We don't act like a real family. If you have been following me for awhile you know that my family is crazy and they only mean harm.

It is best for everyone involved of they just keep to themselves. I do not go around trying to bother them and all I want is to be left alone. (this may sound like I am the mean one if you have not read the history but trust me I am right on this one).

I do not need the added stress that they bring with them. Nothing good ever comes out of the family situation. I have tried on the past to have that family relationship that I so desperately thought that I needed and wanted. I learned the hard way that my family is crazy and they are not normal.....not any of them. I am the only sane one (I swear).

When I answered that phone I did not realize that it was her...I was pissed at myself for answering the phone but there is nothing I can do to change that now. I hope that this will be the last of this topic that I will have to write about. I will keep ya'll updated and I hope to have a new James post up soon also.


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